Ricky Raccoon Ice Cream

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Page 8


1. Take all small children across the street yourself in
    potentially dangerous situations.

2. Hold onto the ice cream until the road is safe.
          Children may dart out into the street once they have
          their ice cream.  As long as you are holding the ice
          cream they will stay by the scooter.

3. Park close to the curb.
          It is more dangerous for children to cross near a
          double parked ice cream scooter.  When the
          scooter is parked away from the curb, the children
          will be attracted into the street.

4. Keep children on the sidewalk
          Never sell to children while they stand in the street.

5. Park away from intersections
          Motorist coming around the corner cannot see the
          children in time if you are too close to an intersection.

6. Use the four way emergency flashers in potentially
    dangerous situations
          Warn motorists of the hazard.

7. Never allow children in your scooter
          Children in the scooter could fall and hurt themselves
          or accidently release the emergency brake.



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