Ricky Raccoon Ice Cream

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Page 11


1. The maximum safe speed is 40 mph.

2. Slow down before turning all corners.
          With only one turning wheel the scooter responds
          quickly and will turn very rapidly, putting the scooter
          off balance.

3. Turn wide to avoid hitting anything.
          The rear of the scooter is wider than the cab where
          you are sitting.

4. Watch out for ditches and give them a wide berth.
          If one rear wheel goes into the ditch the scooter
          may tip over.

5. Never back up a scooter.
          On a hill this could result in a tip-over. Also, you
          can not see small children behind you.  (Most of
          your customers will be shorter than the back box.)

6. Always use hand signals at busy intersections.
          The scooter maximum safe speed is 40 mph, so
          people are always attempting to pass.  Left turns
          are particularly bad.  If you begin to turn as someone
          tries to pass it could result in a serious accident. 
          When turning left, always look over your left
          shoulder and USE YOUR HAND SIGNALS.

7. Never use freeways.
          Also avoid main highways whenever possible.

8. Do not drive on the shoulder.
          This is illegal and unsafe.


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