Ricky Raccoon Ice Cream

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Page 12

9. Do not hold up traffic
          When five or more cars pile up behind you, pull
          over and let them pass.  Holding up more than five
          cars is against the law.

10. Do not take radios on your route
          Radios may fall out of the scooter and break.  If
          you are more worried about losing a radio than
          about driving carefully, an accident may result.

11. Never coast the scooter down hills
          Keep the scooter in gear and under some power
          when you are driving.  Remember, the maximum
          safe speed is 40 mph.

12.  Drive defensively
          The scooter is small and can be easily missed
          when other drivers check their mirrors. 
                    1. Be alert for cars turning in front of you.
                    2.Always give the other guy the right of way.
                    3. Keep your eyes moving.




Almost all major accidents that we have encountered have been caused by negligence on the part of our drivers.  The bonus contract that you sign holds you responsible to pay for these accidents.


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