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Alpha Mall Member Sponsorship

Earn Money by Sponsoring Other Members to the Alpha Mall

Registration Referrals

You will receive a Referral Payment of $15.00 (to be paid from the first month membership fee) for every new member that you Sponsor (either directly or indirectly) to the Alpha Mall. 

You may directly Sponsor a maximum of only FIVE members.  You may, however, indirectly Sponsor as many members as you like (they must be 18 years old and each are limited to ONE Membership).

An indirect Sponsor is defined as a member who is placed under one of your FIVE sponsors, or one of their FIVE sponsors (and so on).  Each Member has 30 days to sponsor his/her FIVE members.  After that point and indirect Sponsor may take place. Each member, however, MUST have personally sponsored FIVE members (direct/OS or indirect/AS) within the first SIX months to continue to receive bonus payments (as described below).

Membership Bonuses

As an Independent Contractor to the Alpha Mall you are able to receive monthly bonuses as a Sales and Service Representative.  Bonuses are not, however, obligatory and ALL bonuses are subjects to alteration and/or suspension at any time.

Bonuses are as follows:


Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5







Bonuses will NOT be paid for any month that a member's monthly membership has (FOR ANY REASON) not been paid.  It is YOUR responsibility to be sure your membership is paid each month at the appropriate time.

Referral and Bonus Payment

All referral payments and bonuses are paid at the end of the month for the PREVIOUS month's activity, (minus all applicable service fees).

Third Level Bonus Incentive

The Alpha Mall pays bonuses on five levels, but it is the first three that are the most important.  If you are dedicated to working with your first three levels, the next two will be almost automatic.  Use our 3rd Level bonus incentive to encourage YOURSELF and OTHERS to fill their third levels as quickly as possible.


Your Virtual Money Account

After being an Alpha Mall member for THREE months, you will receive VM (virtual money).  This money may ONLY be spent in the Alpha Mall.  The VM only becomes YOUR money when you spend it.  There is no carry over of VM from month to month.

The VM was created to stimulate sales in the Alpha Mall.  A member is not allowed to purchase his OWN merchandize with VM nor is he allowed to in any other way use VM funds in such a manner as they are determined to not fulfill the intention of the VM’s purpose. ALL VM is subject to alteration and/or suspension at any time.

VM is determined as follows:


Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5







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