News/Talk Listener Profile
Sex Male 52%, Female 48%
Age 12-17 6%, 18-34 17%, 35-44 24%, 45-54 26%, 55-64 21%, 65+ 6% … 50% of the audience is between the ages of 35-54; the all-important age cell with disposable income
Ethnicity White 64%, Black 21%, Hispanic 7%, Asian 4%, Other 4%
Education Didn’t finish High School 4%, H.S. Graduate 25%, 1 Year College 17%, 2 Years College 10%, 3 Years College 9%, College Graduate 20%, Some Graduate School 15% 71% of the audience has attended college
Political Party Republican 19%, Democrat 14%, Libertarian 10%, Independent 50%, Other 4%, Reform 3%
Annual Household Income Under 20G 4%, 20-30G 8%, 30-40G 16%, 40-50G 13%, 50-60G 19%, 60-70G 14%, 70-80G 11%, 80-90G 6%, 90-100G 5%, 100G+ 4% 59% of the audience has income 50-100+G
The source for this information is Talker’s Magazine’s ongoing nine-year study of the talk radio audience, The Talk Radio Research Project. It is the result of interviews with listeners across the United States supplemented by input from talk radio programmers, hosts, sales personnel, and radio station in-house research. It is published twice yearly. |